Our customers will receive leading lubrication technology. Our products will be designed to meet or exceed industry specifications and manufacturers’ requirements.
We offer tangible savings to our customers in their operating and maintenance costs, with our Lubrication Technical Service Program that ensures efficiency and extended useful life of engines and equipment.
Technical service means to us: A lower cost of production. A lower operating cost. A low energy consumption. Machines and their parts large life cycle. In summary: Increasing of productivity.
Updates Studies of Plant Lubrication through a comprehensive review of equipment and operating conditions. Suitable lubricants are defined for each component and equipment, and optimize the lubrication process, indicating the method, time and volume of application.
The follow-up study of lubrication has the following benefits:
●Fewer products in the lubricant store inventory.
●Increase in oil change periods.
●Increase the life of the lubricated elements.
Oil samples are taken from the main equipment within the production line, such sampling equipment intervals and are defined jointly by engineering maintenance and lubrication personnel.
These oil samples are sent to our laboratories, and the results of the tests are sent to the customer via email with the recommendations of the specialized technicians. The oil analysis includes the following metrics:
Viscosity at 40 and 100 ° C, dissolved fuel content, total basic oil (TBN), insoluble, oxidation, soot content, water content, metal content: iron, copper, aluminum, chromium and silicon.
In general, the report, for use and take appropriate action timely includes a warning, according to the following codes:
We offer you our BRAUTEK® lubrication software.
This program allows you to manage the tasks of lubrication, lubrication using predefined frequencies. The manufactured products that appears daily, weekly, monthly, etc. With work orders to be carried out.
It is an excellent tool to optimize the lubrication and lubrication of all the machines of the most diverse industries.
Comprehensive training programs for BRAUTEK maintenance personnel, based on the definition of requirements and agreement between the two parties. Train staff ranging from mechanics and equipment operators, maintenance and operation supervisors, plus the queue of additional staff that the client deems appropriate.
The training topics usually have a duration of 2 hours each and are as follows:
● The fundamental principles of lubrication and Tables
● Operation of internal combustion engines and lubrication
● Hydraulic Systems
● Gears
● Lubricating greases
● Lubricant handling and storage
● Synthetic lubricants
● Study of the lubrication plant
● Safety and Environment Standards
In addition, depending on the needs of your staff can provide lubrication or other topics specific programs could be defined.